Supplying the Trade for over 30 Years (Est. 1989)

Dried Calci Worms

Dried Calci Worms 12.55kg LOGIN FOR PRICES

Pack Size: 12.55Kg



Calci Worms are the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens). They typically have up to 50 times the amount of calcium than other insects or worms and are a suitable to feed to a wide variety of birds, insects, and mammals. They are also particularly popular as a source of calcium and protein for fish!

Calci Worms provide a well-balanced calcium and phosphorus ratio, making them one of the healthiest feeds for birds. They can be fed straight or mixed with any seed blend.

Suitable for birds, fish and hedgehogs.

We recommend you supervise your dog at all times when feeding a treat and ensure fresh water is readily available.



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